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Colorado City Directories

Manitou, Colorado

Year Repository

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1889 Brigham Young University

Fiche LH11654

1902 Brigham Young University Fiche LH11804
Brigham Young University Fiche LH11937
1904 Brigham Young University Fiche LH11805
1905 Brigham Young University Fiche LH11806
1911 Brigham Young University Fiche LH11807
1912 Brigham Young University Fiche LH11808
1913 Brigham Young University Fiche LH11809
1914 Brigham Young University Fiche LH11810
1915 Brigham Young University Fiche LH11811
1916 Brigham Young University Fiche LH11812
1920 Brigham Young University Fiche LH11813
1921 Brigham Young University Fiche LH11814
1924 Brigham Young University Fiche LH11815

Undoubtedly, there are other city directories for this locality that are not listed here.  Our goal is to identify all city directories in all repositories.  If you would like to participate in identifying the listings of your local library, society, or archives, or if you know of any online transcriptions, please contact us.


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