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Colorado City Directories

Colorado (state)

Year Repository

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1876 Brigham Young University

Fiche LH11746

1878 Brigham Young University

Fiche LH11747

1879 Brigham Young University Fiche LH11748
1880 Brigham Young University Fiche LH11749
1883 Brigham Young University Fiche LH11750
1884 Brigham Young University Fiche LH11751
1885 Brigham Young University Fiche LH11752
1886 Brigham Young University Fiche LH11753
1887 Brigham Young University Fiche LH11745
1891 Brigham Young University Fiche LH11754
1894 Brigham Young University Fiche LH11755
1896 Brigham Young University Fiche LH11756
1899 Brigham Young University Fiche LH11757
1900 Brigham Young University Fiche LH11758
1901 Brigham Young University Fiche LH11759
1903 Brigham Young University Fiche LH11760
1906 Brigham Young University Fiche LH11761
1909 Brigham Young University Fiche LH11762
1910 Brigham Young University Fiche LH11763
1911 Brigham Young University Fiche LH11764
1920 Brigham Young University Fiche LH11765
1921 Brigham Young University Fiche LH11766
1923 Brigham Young University Fiche LH11767

Undoubtedly, there are other city directories for this locality that are not listed here.  Our goal is to identify all city directories in all repositories.  If you would like to participate in identifying the listings of your local library, society, or archives, or if you know of any online transcriptions, please contact us.


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